Verizon iPhone 244x183-525x295 |
NEW YORK - 10:00am
Verizon announced on Tuesday morning that it has partnered with Apple and will release the iPhone early February. Pre-ordering services will be available February 3, and the public can order online or in stores starting February 10. It costs $199 for the 16GB and $299 for the 32GB.
It's one of the not-so-best-kept secrets in the high-tech world. Verizon Wireless is expected to announce today that it soon begin selling the iPhone. In doing so, it will break AT&T's exclusive hammerlock on the popular Smartphone in the United States.
Since the iPhone came out in 2007 - AT&T was the exclusive distributor and carrier for the phone. The Wall Street Journal says
The deal with Verizon will start at the end of the month. No official confirmation on the news from Verizon, Apple or AT&T. Many analysts predict that Verizon could sell more iPhones in the U.S. than AT&T this year - because so many would-be buyers have been waiting to get them, but didn't want to get one from AT&T.
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